Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rebecca Latham

          Did you ever imagine that art could ever influence a certain group in need? Whether it’s the elderly, homeless, animals and their habitats, etc. Well it can, the artist Rebecca Latham is a great example of this. Rebecca and her family have always been attracted to the outdoors. This and the encouraging support of her family was a huge push in finding her talent in art and becoming an artist. She chose to become an artist in her mid- teens and also at this time she realized her closeness to the natural world. Rebecca had a main goal with becoming an artist. She wanted to help the creatures she paints and their habitats. She reflects a personal experience with the species in her art. Rebecca reminds me a lot of a sculpture named Nick Mackman.
          Rebecca’s main goal is to help the creatures she paints through her work. By doing this she has manages to help different animals and their habitats. She participates in different wildlife and habitat conservation fundraising events to increase awareness and has generated thousands of dollars for wildlife and conservation through her work. Latham has a purpose for doing art and it’s not just because she loves it but because she believes that she can protect, help, and understand more about the creatures in her creations. It’s encouraging to know that someone can contribute so much of their talent to help something she cares so much about. In her art she reflects a personal experience with each creature.
          She reflects a personal experience with the species in her art. In each painting she demonstrates the personal experience she had with the animal in her creation. She is known to spend as much time as she possibly can observing and experiencing the wildlife she paints. “We often take up to 5000 photographs in one shoot. It is very important that the subject painted is studied from every available angle, as well as its habitat’s and preferences”, says Rebecca.  
          Rebecca Lathman reminds me a lot of an animal sculpture named Nick Mackman. They share great similarities when it comes to creating an amazing form of art. They both have to observe the subject from ever angel know their personality and anything that has to do with the animal and their surroundings. Knowing everything about the subject before putting it on a canvas or turning it into a sculpture shows its true value once it’s turned into a form of art. It comes to show that you can pertect or even help a certain group that is in need with the power of art. Art can encourage others to stand up for any cruelty or harm done, to pertect what they care about and what they believe in. Rebecca Lathman is a great example, she stands up for what she wants to pertect through her work encouraging those around her.  

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Brought Back to Life

          Someone can create art with own experiences and imagination. Nick Mackman is a sculptor of clay animals drawing on her own experience as a rhino keeper and in safari, she aims to analyze an animal and then recreate it. When she recreates her art she gives each of them its own personality. Each of her sculptures are Raku fired, giving it a rich but natural crackle glaze. Sometimes bristles, paper maché are used in her sculptures. Some people have the gift of being able to change a person’s perspective of something. Many might not understand the real meaning of bringing something dead or extinct back to life. I think that sculpting is an awsome talent because they don’t just imagine their creation but they bring it to life.
         Some people have the gift of being able to change a person’s perspective of something. I say this because some people tend to judge something without getting to know about it. For example when Nick does her sculptures she analyzes the animal she might be studying weather its unknown or highly endangered. With doing so she has been able to have more people know about something they had no clue existed. She has travelled to places such as Botswana and Madagascar to observe many different animals that she also models in her work. A lot of people are so caught up with their personal lives that they don’t realize the importance of an animal’s role in the world.
          Many people might not understand the meaning of bringing something dead, extinct, or endangered back to life. A lot of people are so caught up with their personal life that they don’t care or find the true importance of an animal’s role in life. Sculptures like Nick can show and teach others the great value of and animal’s existence. She uses animals to lighten us with their amazing beauty, humor, and tenderness. She allows us to view all this things even though they might be viewed as purely ugly or aggressive.  

         In my personal opinion I think that sculpting is an amazing talent. A sculpture doesn’t just imagine their creation but brig it to life. With doing so it brings a new type of life. There is an important part in making the sculptures beauty stand out, this process is called Raku firing. This process gives the sculpture a distinct smoky finish. She uses this in most of her sculptures. Nick and meny others have the amazing talent of being able to change a persons perspective on something. Someone able to recreate something that has been extinct, dead, or endangered and give its own personality is a gift. She helps others understand the true beauty and value of the animals used in her creations.